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Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Malengo ya Maendeleo ya Milenia

Lugha ya Kiswahili toleo la bookmarklet MDGTagger sasa online. Hii inawezesha wazungumzaji wa Kiswahili kuwa na huduma ya haraka ya MDG vitambulisho ili kusaidia kutangaza habari zao.

This is the text we are using for the Swahili version of MDGTagger. Clearly it's far from perfect,  so if you have any corrections or suggestions for enhancing translation please do let us know. Thanks!

Malengo ya Maendeleo ya Milenia

1. Kutokomeza umasikini uliokithiri na njaa

Target 1a: Kupunguza kwa asilimia 50 idadi ya watu masikini ambao kipato chao ni chini ya dola moja kwa siku
1.1 Proportion of population below $1 (PPP) per day
1.2 Poverty gap ratio
1.3 Share of poorest quintile in national consumption

Target 1b: Kupunguza kwa asilimia hamsini idadi ya watu wanaokumbwa na njaa
1.4 Growth rate of GDP per person employed
1.5 Employment-to-population ratio
1.6 Proportion of employed people living below $1 (PPP) per day
1.7 Proportion of own-account and contributing family workers in total employment

2. Elimu ya msingi kwa wote

Target 2a: Kuhakikisha watoto wote wa kike na wa kiume wanahitimu elimu ya shule ya msingi
2.1 Net enrollment ratio in primary education
2.2 Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach last grade of primary
2.3 Literacy rate of 15-24 year-olds, women and men

3. Usawa wa kijinsia na fursa sawa kwa wanawake

Target 3a: Kuondoa tofauti ya uwiano wa wasichana na wavulana katika elimu ya msingi ifikapo mwaka 2002, na katika ngazi zote za elimu ifikapo 2015
3.1 Ratios of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education
3.2 Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector
3.3 Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament

4. Kupunguza vifo vya watoto wachanga

Target 4a: Kupunguza kwa theluthi mbili vifo vya watoto wa umri chini ya miaka mitano
4.1 Under-five mortality rate
4.2 Infant mortality rate
4.3 Proportion of 1 year-old children immunised against measles

5. Upatikanaji wa huduma bora za uzazi

Target 5a: Kupunguza kwa robo tatu idadi ya vifo vya uzazi
5.1 Maternal mortality ratio
5.2 Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel

Target 5b: Achieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health
5.3 Contraceptive prevalence rate
5.4 Adolescent birth rate
5.5 Antenatal care coverage (at least one visit and at least four visits)
5.6 Unmet need for family planning

6. Kupambana na Ukimwi, Malaria na magonjwa mengine

Target 6a: Kuzuia kabisa na kuanza kupunguza maambukizo mapya ya ukimwi
6.1 HIV prevalence among population aged 15-24 years
6.2 Condom use at last high-risk sex
6.3 Proportion of population aged 15-24 years with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS
6.4 Ratio of school attendance of orphans to school attendance of non-orphans aged 10-14 years

Target 6b: Kuzuia kabisa na kuanza kupunguza milipuko ya malaria na magonjwa mengine hatari
6.5 Proportion of population with advanced HIV infection with access to antiretroviral drugs
Target 6c: Halt and begin to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases
6.6 Incidence and death rates associated with malaria
6.7 Proportion of children under 5 sleeping under insecticide-treated bednets
6.8 Proportion of children under 5 with fever who are treated with appropriate anti-malarial drugs
6.9 Incidence, prevalence and death rates associated with tuberculosis
6.10 Proportion of tuberculosis cases detected and cured under directly observed treatment short course

7. Kulinda mazingira yetu

Target 7a: Kujumuisha misingi yote ya maendeleo endelevu katika sera na programu za kila nchi; kuzuia upotevu wa rasilimali ya mazingira
7.1 Proportion of land area covered by forest
7.2 CO2 emissions, total, per capita and per $1 GDP (PPP)
7.3 Consumption of ozone-depleting substances
7.4 Proportion of fish stocks within safe biological limits
7.5 Proportion of total water resources used
7.6 Proportion of terrestrial and marine areas protected
7.7 Proportion of species threatened with extinction

Target 7b: Reduce biodiversity loss, achieving, by 2010, a significant reduction in the rate of loss

Target 7c: Kupunguza kwa silimia 50 idadi ya watu wanaoshindwa kupata maji safi na salama
7.8 Proportion of population using an improved drinking water source
7.9 Proportion of population using an improved sanitation facility

Target 7d: Kutimiza lengo letu la kuboresha maisha ya watu wapatao angalau milioni 100 wanaoishi mijini katika makazi yasiyo na hadhi ifikapo mwaka 2020
7.10 Proportion of urban population living in slums

8. Kujenga mshikamano wa kimaendeleo duniani

Target 8a: Kuboreha zaidi mfumo wa fedha na biashara duniani kuhakikisha unakuwa wa usawa, unafuata sheria na kamwe hauwi wa kibaguzi. Mataifa yote yatekeleze dhana ya utawala bora na yashirikiane kuleta maendeleo na kupunguza umasikini - ndani ya nchi zao na kimataifa
Target 8b: Kushughulikia mahitaji ya kipekee ya nchi changa
Target 8c: Kushughulikia suala la mahitaji muhimu ya visiwa vidogo na nchi zisizo na bandari ambazo ni miongoni mwa nchi zinazoendelea
Target 8d: Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries through national and international measures in order to make debt sustainable in the long term.
8.1 Net ODA, total and to the least developed countries, as percentage of OECD/DAC donors; gross national income
8.2 Proportion of total bilateral, sector-allocable ODA of OECD/DAC donors to basic social services (basic education, primary health care, nutrition, safe water and sanitation
8.3 Proportion of bilateral official development assistance of OECD/DAC donors that is untied
8.4 ODA received in landlocked developing countries as a proportion of their gross national income
8.5 ODA received in small island developing States as a proportion of their gross national incomes
8.6 Proportion of total developed country imports (by value and excluding arms) from developing countries and least developed countries, admitted free of duty
8.7 Average tariffs imposed by developed countries on agricultural products and textiles and clothing from developing countries
8.8 Agricultural support estimate for OECD countries as a percentage of their gross domestic product
8.9 Proportion of ODA provided to help build trade capacity
8.10 Total number of countries that have reached their HIPC decision points and number that have reached their HIPC completion points (cumulative)
8.11 Debt relief committed under HIPC and MDRI Initiatives
8.12 Debt service as a percentage of exports of goods and services

Target 8e: Kwa kushirikiana na kampuni zinazotengeneza madawa , kuwezesha nchi zinazoendelea kupata dawa muhimu kwa bei nafuu
8.13 Proportion of population with access to affordable essential drugs on a sustainable basis

Target 8f: Kwa kushirikiana na sekta binafsi, kuwezesha nchi zinazoendelea kutumia teknolojia ya kisasa, hasa katika nyanja ya habari na mawasiliano
8.14 Telephone lines per 100 population
8.15 Cellular subscribers per 100 population
8.16 Internet users per 100 population

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